Bammel has two Spiritual Directors on staff, and we are honored to be able to offer this service to our church and community. First or one-time sessions are always free, and we will work with you on a reasonable rate if you would like to schedule regular (monthly) sessions.

Both of our directors are trained and certified through the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction.


COST: For Bammel members, we are offering 4 sessions free of charge, with a discounted rate afterwards of $30/session ($50 value). If this cost is prohibitive for you, please let us know.


Bammel cuenta con dos directores espirituales capacitados, y nos sentimos honrados de poder ofrecer este servicio a nuestra iglesia y comunidad. La primera sesión es totalmente gratuita y trabajaremos con usted a un precio razonable si desea programar sesiones regulares (mensuales).

Nuestros dos directores están capacitados a través de la Escuela de Dirección Espiritual de Sustainable Faith.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a safe place to process your faith experiences, questions, doubts, and relationship with God alongside a trained companion. The goal of spiritual direction is not to give you answers, but to draw your awareness towards the presence of God in your life. Direction sessions are typically 45 min-1 hour in length and can be done in person, over the phone, or over zoom.

Dirección espiritual es un lugar seguro donde puedes procesar tus experiencias de fe, preguntas, dudas, y relación con Dios junto a un compañero capacitado. El objetivó de dirección espiritual no es darte respuestas, sino atraer tu conciencia hacia la presencia de Dios en tu vida. Las sesiones de dirección espiritual suelen tener una duración de 45 minutos a 1 hora y se pueden realizar en persona, por teléfono o por zoom. 

Appointments are required for Spiritual Direction sessions. Email either of our directors below to schedule an appointment with them, or click the button below to get in touch.

Our Spiritual Directors

Leigh Ann Sharp | Email me

Leigh Ann’s goal as a spiritual director is to walk alongside you in your spiritual journey, meeting you wherever you are. She welcomes those from all denominations, as well as those who may hold very little faith at all, and she has a special heart for those who have been marginalized by the church. However you are feeling about your relationship with God, she strives to create a safe place to process your faith journey.

Gerardo Vázquez | Email me

Gerardo’s passion for spiritual formation and love for God are evident in his interactions with everyone he meets. He has a calm, peaceful presence, and a deep desire to help facilitate growth and wisdom in others. He would be so honored to schedule time to sit with you as you explore your own faith journey. Gerardo is able to offer spiritual direction sessions in Spanish as well as English.


Whether I come in with thoughts I’m already processing or with an encounter with God I want to share, or if I am frazzled and spiritually blank, it doesn’t matter. Leigh Ann meets me where I am. She listens deeply and responds welcomingly and affirmingly with practices to suggest, prayers to read, questions to peak your listening to the Holy Spirit, all responses that meet me at my point of need. She wonders with me about what God might be saying to me, what I might be needing from God, and then she guides my imagery, imagination, my own sense of wonder. Every time is different and fresh, but in every session, Leigh Ann somehow slows down time and creates a peaceful and comfortable space to connect with God’s love. 

Donna Stephen, directee